Got paid by RevResponse $50 | Ultimate Bounds

Got paid by RevResponse $50

I am surprise last night when i saw that someone just send payment to my Paypal account, the amount was not that big it was $50 only. I can't really believe that this month is really a blessing for me, after i broke the $200 mark in Adsense now another money came in another funds for me.

If the $200 was due to the my SEO post about 2008 Beijing Olympics Medal Count and Tally this $50 was from the RevResponse as their incentives for publisher who join RevResponse July Challenge. My progress on my journey of making money online is extra ordinary this Month of August. I hope that next month would be another better month for earning bucks.

This would be another post for my Proof of Payment page at, I know I not the only one who got this incentives there are about thousands of publisher in RevResponse. I wonder what will be the Incentives program for this month of August.

If you want to earn also like me why not joined RevResponse and enjoy the privilege of being its member, you can join here.

note: RevResponse is owned by Netline Corporation.


Anonymous said...

pareho tayo..i got paid too..

easy money noh..

by the way, yung adsense mo ganun pa rin ba ung earnings? bumababa yung traffic noh..

anyway am still waiting for the SEO tips mo..
