Tina Sherman Photos

If you are looking for the Tina Sherman Photos that has been leaked at McDonald's then your luck is the run out. The photos you are looking for are already removed from the website where it was posted. The Shermans ask for the removal of the said photos to that website which is still not disclosed. But maybe sooner or later blogger will know what website it is, the fact still remains that there are still no available evidence that Tina Sherman Photos were posted, reports just based its source in the lawsuit supposedly filed by the Sherman.

But if you are still that persistent to see the Photos, then you may want to visit Tina Sherman Photos, to find what your looking for.

Tina Sherman Sues McDonald for Nu-de Photos

Tina Sherman Sues McDonald for Nu-de Photos. This is what been the hot topic right now over the internet, people are searching for the nude photos of Ms. Tina Sherman. This is not the first time this things happened as a matter of fact last week a celebrity was also experience the same shame when she left his laptop with her nude photos as well.

This whole incident was triggered by a mobilephone which Tina Sherman's husband Phillip left it on the McDonald branch in Arkansas. Thus McDonald's Sued by Tina Sherman for Nu-de Photos of her for $3 Million Dollars.

Who The America’s Next Top Model Cycle 11 Winner

Who is  The America’s Next Top Model Cycle 11 Winner? The Season Finale of was aired last night and the result was out and the candidate was chosen.
McKey Photo 2
McKey Sullivan is The America’s Next Top Model Cycle 11 Winner. I thought it would be Analeigh but obviously am mistaken.

Justin Timberlake and Beyonce on Saturday Night Live (video)

SNL 'Saturday Night Live' guesting performance by Beyonce create a new buzz around blogger across the globe. Though the visit of Beyonce is primarily to promote her latest singles "Single Ladies" the night went crazy when they did their skit for the night.

In the video skit, Beyonce is making an MTV for her single "Single Ladies" and it turns out to be Justin Timberlake as one of her backup dancers in funny outfit - swimsuit. Yes Justin among other two dancer is wearing a black swimsuit. Of course in the said MTV video they are making, they dance while Beyonce sings Single Ladies. If you are too looking for the dancing dou of Beyonce and Justin Timberlake on Saturday Night Live you are in luck, the SNL - Beyonce, Justin Timberlake dancing video is available in youtube.

Here is the Justin Timberlake and Beyonce on Saturday Night Live (video) - youtube.

Updates: Watch Ugly Betty Season 3 Episode 9 When Betty Met YETI Full Episode Here

Episode 1 De La Hoya Pacquiao 24/7

Sports fans around the world will love this new three installment series from Network Giant HBO. HBO will bring you  24/7 Pacquioa/Dela Hoya behind the scenes videos in their respective training camps.

Last Night the De La Hoya Pacquiao 24/7 episode 1 was already hit the airwave to those who missed the first episode HBO will surely run an encore of De La Hoya Pacquiao 24/7.

Learn more about this new series from HBO.
De La Hoya Pacquiao 24/7 Premier
watch De La Hoya Pacquiao 24/7 behind the scenes
Live Streaming: Pacquiao Vs. Dela Hoya

People on Spot Light

Who is Rose Ann Sajol? If you are wondering who in the world is Rose Ann Sajol then let me have the opportunity to introduce Rose. Rose Ann is a native of Lebak Sultan Kudarat, she is pretty, intelligent and charming  - that’s only some of the best quality she has.
She was a consistent honor student from elementary until college, what an smart woman as a matter of fact she is Medical Technologist and registered Nurse as same time. Rose Ann Sajol was one of the board passers in the last 2008 Nursing Board Exam. Rose is the eldest in the family with her equally beautiful sister, Maricel, as only siblings.
There are a lot more to say about Who really Rose Ann Sajol is! I think you better know her so you can witness how great lady she is.
For the time being Rose has his blog about Nursing Board Exam Answer Key with the aim of helping Nurse Wannabee how thoughtful.

Katrina Halili Nude and I am Bald

Festive atmosphere is still in the air after the landslide victory of Barack Obama that landed him to be the 44th President of the United States. So much for Politics and it is time to work, I am working right now to make this blog active again and get back what I've lost for loosing tracks of my journey of making money online.

From my hiatus state, I did nothing but to observe others and mine as well the effect on posting regularly and not. I can say that not posting new updates can make your mind rusts and your earnings as well. But I also noted that not those who always updates their blog can get higher earnings in the end of the day. Posting new content is just one factor to achieve a higher goal of earning online.

Nice content and targeted keywords is the key on how to boosts your earnings, just like what donser is doing. Proper keyword placement and optimization landed to his hand his biggest Adsense earnings so far. I hope that i could matched that earnings of his! More that $900 in just one month, that is thrice bigger that my highest earnings so far.

So expect from now own that i will be posting out the topic article to experiment what I've discover in the last few weeks of observations.

By the way as the title suggests, yes that's right you can see Katrina Halili Nude photo in her latest endorsement project in Belo Medical Group. If Katrina is nude in that online advertisement least to say I have a nude head.. Let me end this post from here.

Barack Obama Grandmother dies with Cancer

A sad news today fellow bloggers and readers. Barack Obama grandmother pass away she died after a long battle with cancer. This sad news was announced by Obama himself during his campaign trail in Charlote, N.C.

This happened a day before election, in the statement released by Obama states “She was the cornerstone of our family, and a woman of extraordinary accomplishment, strength, and humility. She was the person who encouraged and allowed us to take chances.”

Half of America is mourning right now as they extend their condolences to their presidential candidate. On the other hand Republican candidate John McCain issued his condolences to Obama to show respect and honor Obama's grandmother. Madelyn Payne Dunham died at the age of 86.

Report says that Obama will continue his campaign trail inspite of what happened, they will have a private ceremony after Obama finishes his campaign trails.

What ever the outcome of this recent event, whether good or bad in Obama's bet for presidency only the votes will tell. U.S. Presidential Official Open tommorow, November 4, 2008 American time ofcourse. Our Condolences to the family of the good senator.